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Navigating the Push and Pull of the Twin Flame Journey
It’s Time to Heal our Wounded Feminine Energy
Love is an intermediate state between possession and depravation. ~Plato
There’s nothing worse than realizing that we’ve inadvertently pushed our Twin Flame away. We may not understand how or why this happened. If there’s such a strong pull to them — how is it that we can push them away?
If they’re the same core vibration as we are — wouldn’t they want to be with us?
Push and Pull Energy
Twin flame relationships are not like other relationships. In order to understand why this dynamic commonly happens, we must first look at the polarity of push and pull energy and then realize the type of relationship that we are navigating.
Let’s look at the Law of Polarity — also known as the Law of Action and Reaction. “Newton’s third law states that when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.”
As you know, the opposite of push is pull. When we feel our Twin Flame pulling away — we react and we push towards them. When we feel pulled to them — again we push. Both of these actions enforce this polarity and create separation and duality. Since the concept of…