Twin Flame Awakening
Yin and yang, male and female, strong and weak, rigid and tender, heaven and earth, light and darkness, thunder and lightning, cold and warmth, good and evil… the interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe. ~Confucius
Twin Flames
It’s quite a phenomenon. Early on in the Twin Flame journey it’s very common that one of the Twin Flames — usually the Divine Feminine — wakes up to this connection before the other.
Why would one Twin Flame wake up to the connection first? If we are one mirror soul — how is it possible for only one Twin Flame to know that?
Before we explore these questions, let’s look at the concept of Twin Flames. Twin Flames are one soul that has split into two and these two souls carry the same frequency and energetic blueprint — just inside different human bodies. The Twin Flame theory also holds that one Twin Flame carries more of the feminine essence while the other carries more of the masculine essence, regardless of gender or sexual orientation (please forgive where specific pronouns are used and apply your own as needed).
The polarities with Twin Flames are known as the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. This Law of Polarity causes the masculine and feminine energies within Twin Flames to act like a magnet. And just like a magnet — these energies either…